The website BPL Today reports that the French chipmaker SpidCom is designing a HomePlug chip that will use the 3-30 MHz spectrum. The article at says that SpidCom will release a new HomePlug AV chip early next year.
The small segment of the radio spectrum between 3 and 30 MHz (HF) is a part of the radio spectrum that pocesses unique natural qualities found nowhere else in the other 300,000 MHz.
In this part of the spectrum radio signals consuming little more power than a torch bulb can be carried via the ionosphere around the world.
3-30 MHz occupies less than 0.01% of the available Radio Spectrum and is just like our rivers and lakes, a precious natural resource.
At present there is little to prevent companies polluting this part of the spectrum for profit. Until protective legislation was introduced companies used to profit by dumping sewage, heavy metals, dyes and carcinogenic substances into our waterways. Today money can be made by polluting the HF spectrum.
SpidCom Technologies
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