#9632;May 27 – DXpedition cancelled.
We apologize to the world radio amateur community – for the reasons independent of us, we are not able to carry out the expedition. On the 25th of May at 10 p.m. local time the engine of our ship “Southern Cross” fell out, when we were in 120 nm from Kanton island. The captain Paul Green decided to turn the ship and go back to the port of Apia, Samoa under sails. Such decision was determined by the fact that the entry to the Kanton`s cove without engines would be impossible and the repair of engine in the ocean is impossible too.
The way to Apia, Samoa will take approximately 8-10 days with favorable wind under sails. The food and water must suffice. Our main task at the moment is to come back safe to Apia. more ›