Hi friends
A last message from the A5100A team which was unfortunately scheduled.
Bangkok was very chaotic yesterday evening.
The airport was completly surrounded by a lot of manifestants. The authorities have closed the airport whilst we were in the departure lounge.The plane to Paris could take off, but it seems it was the last which could do.
Vincent , G0LMX, who was in the loung to take the following plane to London is always at the time in Bangkok, and we have no more information . All the planes from Bangkok are now cancelled , fot the airport and the control tower are occupied .
We are all hoping for Vincent, G0LMX, a quick departure from ThaÏland and a safe coming back home.
Amitiés de toute l'équipe
Tks Jean-Michel, F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX
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Maurice, F5NQL