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 Press Release # 1—-Desecheo KP5—-2009

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vk3pa Posted - 05 Oct 2008 : 07:04:02 AM
I am pleased to provide you with this Press release. I am sure your readers will be very happy about this news!
73, Bob-K4UEE

Press Release # 1—-Desecheo KP5—-2009

The Caribbean National Wildlife Refuge Complex has selected and announced a team of operators to activate Desecheo Island (KP5) sometime between January 15, 2009 and March 30, 2009. The Team will be co-led by Dr. Glenn Johnson, WØGJ and Bob Allphin, K4UEE.

Background: On June 30, 2008, the Caribbean National Wildlife Refuge office in Puerto Rico sent a letter to persons that had previously made inquiries about an Amateur Radio operation from Desecheo. They announced their decision to allow one group to activate the island and invited proposals that must adhere to strict guidelines and criteria. Applicant’s had 45 days to prepare and submit their proposals.

CNWR received seven written proposals. A panel of three Fish and Wildlife Service employees, from areas within the Service outside of the Caribbean refuge, spent September 24 & 25 reviewing and evaluating the proposals. The selection criteria used were those outlined in the proposal invitation letter. Points were awarded for how well criteria were addressed for thoroughness and documentation.

The proposal with the highest ranking was submitted by team leaders Dr. Glenn Johnson, WØGJ, and Bob Allphin, K4UEE. Their plan involves a team of fifteen operators for a 14-day operation. USFWS has not announced the actual dates of the operation yet, but the DXpedition is expected to take place between January 15, 2009 and March 30, 2009. A Special Use Permit (SUP) will be issued as per USFWS regulations. We
expect that the DXpedition team and DXers worldwide will have a minimum of 30 days notice.

A website is being planned and will be announced in the near future.

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vk3pa Posted - 26 Feb 2009 : 1:46:35 PM
Request your K5D QSL online
We offer you an Online QSL Request Form if you have worked K5D and would like to receive your K5D QSL automatically mailed to you or automatically sent through the QSL bureau. You do not need to send us your card! For a minimum payment of 5 US$ or 4 Euro we will send your K5D QSL card directly to you.
We have arranged so that you can make your payment to the K5D QSL Mailing Service via PayPal. It's easy, secure and you can contribute with a major credit card. AND, you don't even have to have a PayPal account to do so!
All surplus funds received will go to the K5D DXpedition.
If you wish to contribute separately for the K5D DXpedition, please click on the "How you can help" button on the left.
check web site for K5D
vk3pa Posted - 20 Feb 2009 : 08:26:28 AM
goto photos
Operations, animals & sunsets, February 17th
es down to photo #14 W2GD gee 110 out of 100.. Look 1 hand on key es other typing in log, all at once fb om!! if only i could do that too hi hi
vk3pa Posted - 18 Feb 2009 : 06:41:50 AM
logbook is up es running.. reg. updates r being done
vk3pa Posted - 14 Feb 2009 : 07:46:21 AM
February 13, 2009
1600Z: K5D QRV!!! First contacts on 14.023 and 18.145
vk3pa Posted - 13 Feb 2009 : 01:34:18 AM
February 12, 2009
Per Glenn W0GJ and Bob K4UEE @ 23:45Z: "Heavy winds during the day delayed
several helicopter flights so we're running quite a bit behind schedule.
For example, we had to wait until the last helicopter trip to begin
erecting shelters. We're all exhausted and have quite a bit of
infrastructure work yet to do (in the dark). Regrettably, this will
delay our planned QRV until (hopefuly) near 1600Z tomorrow (Friday).
We're sorry to disappoint those expecting us on the air tonight.
vk3pa Posted - 12 Feb 2009 : 7:12:56 PM
February 12, 2009
At 1240Z the first helicopter with five Team Members aboard took off from
Rincon and a few minutes later landed safely on Desecheo Island. The K5D
Desecheo 2009 DXpedition is officially ON! QRV (single transmitter only)
still planned near 0200Z tonight

Tks Bernie, W3UR

vk3pa Posted - 12 Feb 2009 : 04:24:42 AM
K5D QSL Manager
Bob Schenck, N2OO
P.O. Box 345
Tuckerton NJ 08087 USA
vk3pa Posted - 12 Feb 2009 : 04:20:32 AM
February 11, 2009
Today the Team accumulated all our equipment and all the gear for USFWS and the field research team (including all our food and personal gear) and prepared it for the helicopter external sling-load operation scheduled for tomorrow morning. Altogether, it's more than seven tons! The first flight will be at 1130Z tomorrow and flights will continue through (at least) mid-day local time.
The Team is tired but in great spirits and we're all very excited about tomorrow!

The staging point for helicopter operations is within sight of Desecheo and, when we took our lunch break today, we looked out at the island and the angry surf -- and knew we'd made the right decision about using helicopters. Safety First!

vk3pa Posted - 11 Feb 2009 : 04:48:29 AM
February 10, 2009
The K5D Team continues to prepare for its early Thursday AM departure for Desecheo Island. Last night the team met and had dinner with USFWS participants, law enforecement personnel and members of the field research team. Due to continued questionable weather (which for some weeks has included large waves, dangerous surf, high winds and rain unusual for this time of year), the Team has made an important strategic decision.
For safety reasons, all personnel and equipment will be transported to Desecheo Island by helicopter. The possibility of Team members and crew members being injured, vessels being damaged and equipment being lost during a sea landing was too great a chance to take.
Today, all of the equipment, supplies, antennas, generators, food, shelters, tables, chairs and so forth were unloaded from the storage facility and loaded into a large moving van for transfer to the helicopter pad.

Tomorrow, representatives of the helicopter company will meet the Team, examine the cargo and prepare it for transit via sling load on Thursday morning. A second helicopter will ferry personnel. Because we're limited to only fourteen days on the island, doing it this way will allow us to get on the air sooner, stay on the air longer -- and all with a higher degree of safety.

The Team has voted, if necessary, to contribute more money of their own to help contain these incremental costs.
If you're inclined to contribute more to help, it would be appreciated. To contribute, click HERE.

vk3pa Posted - 10 Feb 2009 : 1:25:53 PM
Operating Modes and Frequencies
These are planned bands, modes and frequencies. Of course these may
get adjusted because of QRM:

---- ------------- --------- -------
160m 1826 up or dn 1843.3 up --
80m 3523 up or dn 3781 up or dn 3589 dn
40m 7023 up 7084 up or dn 7089 up or dn
30m 10106 up -- 10149 dn
20m 14023 up 14190 up or dn 14089 dn
17m 18072 up 18165 dn 18108 dn
15m 21023 up 21295 up 21089 up
12m 24892 up 24987 dn --
10m 28023 up 28470 up 28089 up
6m 50106 up 50130 up

Special Notes:
160m CW: RX - JA -10 kHz; Rest of the world up

80m CW: RX - Rest of the 3525 and up
JA - 0830z QSY ti 3502 and listen up

75m SSB: RX - Americas 3800 kHz and above; Rest of the
world 3799 kHz and below
JA WINDOWS - 3704-3716, 3747-3770 and/or 3793-3805
40m SSB: RX - Americas 7228 kHz and above; Australia 7103 kHz
and above;
Rest of the world down

40m RTTY: 7089 will be good for NA, but EU has a hard time hearing
above 7070. They might want to transmit 7050 or so IF they
don't QRM their 40m CW operations
JA RTTY WINDOW: 7025-7045

KP4-5 SSB Transmit windows: 7075-7099, 7125-7300
[They might need to transmit SSB on 7295 (listen down) if
interference with CW on 40m]

Note: On 6m there will be only CW/SSB operations.

Note: They are fully aware of the (U.S.) bands plans and they will
also listen above 14225 kHz.

Caribbean and Puerto Rico Special notes:
- 2m simplex 146.52
- 6m simplex 50.120 for KP4 & Caribbean
- 10m simplex 28.315 for KP4 & Caribbean
- 40m daytime 7.095 for KP4 & Caribbean

vk3pa Posted - 27 Jan 2009 : 01:52:59 AM
Desecheo 2009 Press Release # 4
January 26, 2009


We have reserved the special call sign K5D for our upcoming Desecheo
operation. The operation will begin late in the day on Feb 12th.

QSO philosophy...because Desecheo is so very rare ( #6 worldwide, #3 in
Europe and # 2 in Asia ) there are many, many hams worldwide that need
KP5 for an all-time new one. Therefore, we are asking that you not
contact the Dxpedition on any band/mode that you have confirmed from a
previous DXpedition. This will allow the people who really need a new
DXCC entity a better opportunity to get through the pileups.

Our objective is not to establish a world record for contacts...there
will be no "greenies", no boxes to check, no competitions for most
band/mode QSOs, no certificate or awards for contacting the Dxpedition
more times than anyone else. So, if you have KP5 already confirmed on a
particular band/mode, we respectfully ask that you exercise restraint.
If, late in the DXpedition, we are calling CQ for contacts, we will
welcome your call.

The team has encountered higher expenses than anticipated. These mainly
involve the transportation and feeding of other personnel that will be
traveling to the island with us. Approximately ten other personnel will
share our campsite and facilities for the duration of the DXpedition.
They will be on Island with us to provide security and carry out field
research. Therefore, we ask that you consider a contribution to the
DXpedition to help with these incremental expenses. Just go to
_www.kp5.us_ (http://www.kp5.us/) and click the button that reads" How
you can Help".

We are all counting the days until we assemble in Puerto Rico on Feb

Bob Allphin- K4UEE
Glenn Johnson-W0GJ
K5D co-leaders

vk3pa Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 08:57:21 AM
KP5, DESECHEO ISLAND (Press Release #2, November 23rd - DXpedition Dates
Announced). "The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has notified the team that
February 12-26, 2009, will be the dates allocated for the radio operation.
These dates are coordinated with other USFWS research activities scheduled
on other parts of Desecheo Island as well as scheduling USFWS security
personnel for the camp.
Fifteen operators will be allowed on the island at any given time. A
total of 6-8 stations will be operational, including 160-6 meters.

A reconnaissance trip to Desecheo is scheduled for Friday, December 19th.
Three team members, USFWS personnel and an UXO (unexploded ordnance)
expert will sweep and clear the assigned area of UXO and other hazards.
There will be no radio operations.

The 15-man team will assemble in Puerto Rico on February 8, 2009, for
mandatory UXO training. The next three days will include team operations
training, and last minute preparation and staging of the several tons of
equipment for transport. On February 12th, landing will commence and two
stations will be immediately activated. Likewise, stations will continue
to operate until the final moments before departure on February 26th.

Halfway through the operation, on February 19th, approximately half of
the operating team will be replaced with fresh operators for the final week.

The team has been diligently planning antennas and propagation paths to
take advantage of every possible band opening to Asia, where Desecheo is
#2 on the Most Wanted List and to Europe, where it is #3 on the Most
Wanted List.

vk3pa Posted - 19 Oct 2008 : 05:21:08 AM

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