Influenza type TX5C take heed! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is about to to reach epidemic status. More commonly named the "Clipperton flu" (a very rare strain) it has a very sudden onset and lasts about 10 days. Although it can be somewhat disabling, (confinement to a chair is not unusual for extended periods) it is not a life threatening illness. For some it is very short lived and easily overcome by short bursts of high level RF energy if directed accurately at the source. Likely those will show no symptoms or they will be mild and short lived. It may be somewhat pandemic.
Symptoms can include;
Confinement in a sitting position for extended periods.
Sensitivity to ambient noise and usual household noise that necessitates the use of headphones to cancel it out.
Impaired speech causing a continuous uttering of three or four letters with a number mixed in repetitiously as though they have meaning and and spoken loudly as though they cannot be heard by anyone.
Those infected that do not have the impaired speech patterns may exhibit rapid short lateral movements of usually the right hand thumb and forefinger with pauses that appear uncontrolled and random.
Towards the end of the 10 day period, many will call in and miss work similar to the Influenza type F2 of the early 1980's. Those infected will break out in a sweat, become irritable, and not sleep at night, again confined to a chair with increased previously mentioned speech patterns or increased speed of lateral thumb and forefinger movement.At the end of the 10 day infection period, some will feel thrilled and exhilarated. Some will become depressed but it is only transitory in nature.