It was "tested" at full power, 6500VDC at over 950ma, which went well
> until the RG-8A/U coax cable exploded in flames......I was SO
> proud....(c; A buddy with a 1/2 wave end-fed AM antenna on 1280 Khz
> suggested I come by the station and get some RG-17A/U off the reels
> out back and that solved the problem. Late one night, during the
> "Experimental Period", the 5KVA pole transformer the power company guy
> promised me would be fine at "peak power" exploded, burning the pole
> to the ground with boiling, flaming oil.Why did you have the bas-akcwards operating transformer on the pole?
What kind of hillbilly operation was this? > Running 6KV plate voltage at only 250 ma plate current to keep it
> legal resulted in some amazing contacts without even a hint of red on
> the plates, even on 100% duty cycle RTTY, which I always loved.
> Operating near the limit of plate volts at very reduced current is
> much more efficient than 2500-3000 volts on these tubes. Tuning was
> done by watching the SCREEN current meter, just like my National
> NCL-2000 with tetrode 8122 ceramics in it. That, too, was a fantastic
> linear amplifier.
Aren't you really an electro paleontologist? More and more people
have no
appreciation for what you just said. Sadly most hams too.
> Just because I built a 6KW linear amp, doesn't mean I have to RUN
> 6KW..