I've started dating a very nice woman and I have not yet revealed to her that I am a ham radio operator. I keep a low profile as far as amateur radio goes, only my family and a few close friends know I'm a ham. Anyway, this woman is pretty and sweet and I really like her. I want her to view me as a normal, well adjusted man worthy of her investing herself emotionally. I'm afraid that if see sees radios and antennas she'll realize that I'm a ham and she'll drop me like a hot potato and move on to the next eligible bachelor...
I've have not yet slept with her and I think that before things become sexual, I should tell her I'm a ham, that would probably be the honorable and moral thing to do. On the other hand, if I keep it a secret until we are well into a serious relationship and someday she finds out I'm a ham, she may feel that I have deceived her.
Sometimes late at night, when I'm alone, I like to sit in the dark and talk to men on the radio. Everybody on this forum does the same thing, but to people outside of our hobby, this sounds very peculiar. I want to have a normal, nice relationship with a woman but a part of me still likes to exchange signal reports with other men on 40 meters.
Anyway, I've come out to my friends and family about being a ham but am very worried about how a normal woman is going to react. I know I can't keep it a secret forever, some day she will discover my proclivities. Maybe some day she will come home early and catch me on 20 meters and her perception of me will be altered irrevocably.
So, my question is, how do you guys handle this? Do you tell the woman right away or do you wait until well into the relationship before you spring it on her?
Thanks..............Richard W6IRE