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 ACMA es 6 meter and 70cm amateur bands.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vk3pa Posted - 22 Apr 2008 : 05:56:19 AM
ACMA has also published details of their 5 year work plan that includes references to the 6 meter and 70cm amateur bands. These papers can all be found on the ACMA website.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vk3pa Posted - 23 Apr 2008 : 07:40:27 AM
45–70 MHz
The 45–52 and 56–70 MHz bands are allocated, inter alia, to the broadcasting service on a primary basis. There are also primary fixed and mobile services (subject to footnote AUS11) in most of these bands. The first priority for the use of these bands is currently analog television services; however, this usage does not cover all parts of Australia. Defence operates fixed and mobile services in these bands from time to time. ACMA will not be allocating digital television services in these bands.
Defence has indicated some interest in expanding its existing usage of the band, the amateur radio community is interested in upgrading its 50–52 MHz allocation to primary status, and the band may also be suitable for the operation of some other fixed or mobile applications. There is also potential to use a portion of these bands for digital radio broadcasting using the foreshadowed, but not yet available, DRM+ technology.
The development of policy for the digital switchover and future use of spectrum that will become vacant following the switchover rests with the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy.
Where appropriate, ACMA will assist the government in this work. In that context, ACMA will gather information on the spectrum demands of potential alternative uses and will monitor the status of DRM+ development (and its relevance to wider government digital radio policy).

The spin doctors have had a field with these two documents but cutting to the chase the ACMA still refers to the Labour Minister to sign off on analogue vhf TV in 2013.
The beaurocrats recognize we want 50 to 52 as primary status, yippee !
Reading both documents one becomes brain dead very quickly, between the lines its money money to the coffers as usual.


vk3pa Posted - 22 Apr 2008 : 08:25:57 AM
UHF 403–520 MHz
(400 MHz band) Spectrum congestion in fixed and land mobile service segments in major capital cities. ACMA will release a public consultation paper in April 2008 that explores options for replanning the way the 400 MHz band is used, with the overall goal of facilitating more access. This paper will consider, among other things, re channeling to narrower bandwidths, spectrum trading to reduce inefficient channel usage, and the accommodation of new technologies and trunked networks for more efficient spectrum use. Short/High • Further planning subject to responses to ACMA discussion paper
• Level of temporal use of channels
• Feasibility of alternative bands for users (in the interim)

Assigned but unused/lightly used channels.
Growing need to provide spectrum for more spectrally-efficient technologies.

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