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 Threat grows to 70cm in VK

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vk3pa Posted - 03 Apr 2009 : 08:58:25 AM
Threat grows to 70cm in VK
April 3, 2009 by Arvadmin
Posted in 70cm ACMA VK
The Australian Communications Authority (ACMA) has further indicated its inclination to open up the top of the Amateur 70cm band 440-450 MHz for other users.

In a consultation paper issued this week the ACMA seeks comments on the existing and potential Defence uses of the 440-450 MHz and the possibility of opening up some or all of that sub-band, for greater use by the Land Mobile Service other than Defence.

That is the second call by the ACMA in a year for detailed information on the current and potential use by Defence of its 70cm spectrum, admitting it only has limited information on that subject.
The ACMA in a document 12 months ago 'Spectrum Options: 403 – 520 MHz' looked at addressing increasing pressure from industry and users of the band to increase their access to it for future communications needs.

The Amateur Service in Australia has longed shared on a Secondary basis 430-450 MHz with Defence that has the Primary allocation of that spectrum.

VK hams virtually lost 420-430 MHz after it was withdrawn in some states a few years ago for use by government emergency services, resulting in the WIA reshaping its band plan to 430-450 MHz.

The ACMA described 440-450 MHz a year ago as having 'relatively limited use by any service, and its major use is by the Amateur Service for repeater links and television transmissions.

In response the WIA sought the continued Amateur Service use of 440-450 MHz for links in support of emergency services networks and an Amateur Television Channel for the purposes of future training options particularly digital television.

The ACMA is also seeking comments the use of the 400 MHz spectrum for new technology including low power single frequency operation.

The ACMA also this week put embargoes at 421.2-424.75, 425.25-427.75 and 428.25-430 prohibiting any new licences while it further considers how to maximise the ‘public benefit arising from the use of this spectrum.’

The ACMA has set a deadline of Friday 29 May 2009 for further comment the 31
questions raised in its consultation paper issued this week


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