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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vk3pa Posted - 31 Mar 2009 : 09:17:24 AM
well makes sence to me, to have a CW Sub-band here 7100/7125.. then we can have better antennas to cover both CW es SSB SUB BANDS RATHER THAN cw 7000/7040 es the usa FONE BAND 7150..up where antenna design to cover 7000 to 7300 was inpossible!!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vk3pa Posted - 05 Apr 2009 : 10:52:32 AM
Hello Alan...The freq 7125 has been used extensively by AM operators for many years now in the eastern states,the commercials offered us some protection from users looking for clear spots.Any future bandplan for CW ops would need to keep this in mind.I note that the Commercials are as active as ever ,so perhaps nothing has changed....Cheers Michael VK4ZKT
vk3pa Posted - 31 Mar 2009 : 3:27:21 PM
Alan I was not aware that a sub band for cw on 40m has ever existed,
according to the current band plan cw is allowed from 7 to 7.3 MHz, and as
it stands at the moment 7.1 to 7.3 is on a secoundry service basis. I wonder
if you are aware that 7.125 is used exclusively for AM operation, with 2
weekly nets on Wednesday and Saturday mornings commencing at 0830 AEST.7125
has become the calling and working frequency for those of us that use AM.
My friends and I would be vermently opposed to any changes to the present
arrangement. As for your reasoning that it would be better for antenna
design , we would all like to have antennae with a flat swr across the band
and this is certainly achievable - its called for want of a better word an
antenna tuner. I enjoy cw as much as anyone but it belongs down on the
bottom of the band where it has always been.
vk3pa Posted - 31 Mar 2009 : 11:12:36 AM
hi John, just think one antenna es u can work cw es fone that is my idea , one ant no re tuning!!
73 es DXis vk3pa

G'day Allan. I am not sure where your coming from with this one. According
> to my operating conditions, CW is 7.000 - 7.300 and SSB is 7.030 - 7.300.
> If it aint broke don't fix it. Or are you A, trying to create some
> elitism,
> or B rolling over for the yanks? We rolled over far too easily on 160m and
> as far as I am concerned stuffed that up big time. Losing 1812 as an SSB
> call channel meant the scrapping and re-manufacture of many antennas.
> I would bitterly oppose either A or B. John Clare VK1CJ.

vk3pa Posted - 31 Mar 2009 : 11:00:44 AM
Why would you even think of this when the focus should be on reducing cw
allocation as the existing cw operators are shrinking {dieing off... sorry
cant think of putting it nicer). Leave sleeping dogs lie.... well its my
opinion anyway... 73 Gary VK5DX
vk3pa Posted - 31 Mar 2009 : 09:52:44 AM
There is a increase to CW work due to pc generated cw..I find 40% of cw is pc generated, Mix W etc. not realy in the true form of code sending but give's those who r unalbe to learn cw a chance to work this mode hi hi ..
True HAMS use straigh keys/ jiggers for CW es copy by own ear's!!

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