Hi Just a follow up on the question about replacing the steel wire with copper
Today we replaced the steel wire with copper wire. Also, a 100pF in the cap
box was replaced with a 150pF adding 50pF. To compensate for this extra
capacity (+23pF) i added some wire to the horisontal part, in order to lower
the center frequence.
What happend was precisly as foreseen by N6RY Terry. When the wire was
replaced with Cu. The SWR droppen to 1:1.0 at it lowest point.With the added wire, the resonanse ended up 1825 KHz
I also experimented with the Capacitor temperature coefficient. I had the
box in the cooler, and the conklusion is, that it changes 1 pF per deegre
celcius negativily (lower temp higher capacity). So the antenna will "grow"
shorther as temperature lowers.
So thanks a lot for the help, although it was a lot of work today redoing
the antenna it was totally worth it :=)
>From the test on the air this evening, the antenna seems to radiate as
expected, it got some good signal reports from the states and a 559 from
japan :=)
Regards OZ1AXG Flam